Picture/Gallery hosting software?


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
Hello all,

One point of interest that I have found with potential clients that would allow me to reach a new market segment is to offer something similiar to what webshots does. I.E. a photo gallery area. Obviously there are lots of freebies out on the market, GPL, etc. I haven't had the time to take a look at them, so I'm looking for thoughts and opinions on which is the best.

What I would like to do with this is create a 'hosting' area that allows people to sign up for photo hosting where they can upload X amount of photos inside of Y amount of space for Z amount per month. What is the best way to go about this? Since I own myown servers I won't have a problem installing needed software. What I would like to do is have DA create a hosting plan and then when users log in somehow to their gallery area, the DA plan controls how much they can upload etc.

There's an open source project "Gallery" available as part of Installatron, or of course you could install it separately.

To do specifically what you want you'd have to write at least some scripting code yourself.

While DA wasn't designed for this, you can probably implement something using DirectAdmin APIs.

The more I think about it, the more I'm defining exactly what I would want to do. Ok in short this is what I want to accomplish:

I want to have a webpage that focuses on image hosting. This would be advertised/marketed/viewed seperately from my regular page that focuses on web/email hosting. I want to target the customers who use image hosts to store their eBay pictures, and offer a service similiar to WebShots where people can sign up/purchase space to store pictures. You wouldn't believe how many teenagers really use that. Anyway when the customer logs in to this website, they would not see DirectAdmin, but see a fun? cool? or whatever themed interface aimed solely at their image hosting.

Now, here is where my questions and concerns come into play...

Is it possible to somehow tie this Gallery or Coppermine software in to DirectAdmin to manage how storage space is divided out?

I do *NOT* want to have this be a webhosting account where the user logs in, installs Gallery, and goes from there. The less the end user sees or knows, the better.

Or would this be something instead that I would have to create myself a seperate webhosting account, give it tons of space, and setup the gallery software there and have it independent of DirectAdmin?

Thoughts? Suggestions?
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DA is designed for "general use" webhosting and does not do what you want.

However, DA does have a script you can run automatically after a user is created; that script can do anything.

The trick would be to get it to set up the image software only for certain users and not for others. Perhaps you can use the API to determine what package was used to set up a site, perhaps not.

Otherwise you can always develop your own site-creation routine, using the available APIs, and a script to install the image software you want.
