if my user have't any domain, how can i to create it ?
my some user just want http://myserverdomain.com/~user1
my some user just want http://myserverdomain.com/~user1
Add the user with a domain. Login as that user. Delete the domain.
can't, if this, can't do anything, DA just tell you add one domain first.
I do it all the time. That is how I sign up new customers. I go to create a new user and fill in all the information including a temporary fake domain such as tempdomain.com, click Submit. Then I login as that user and go to Domain Setup and delete the tempdomain.com. The end result is a new user with no domains. I do it every day. So maybe I am misunderstanding the real question. Or maybe you could tell us at what stage it is giving you an error.
when domain empty for user a/c, login as that user
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[Domain Administration]
That is correct. What is the problem?
So do not delete the fake domain.
fake domain....so slovenly
What is that supposed to mean? Looked you asked for help and I was trying to help. But if you just going to launch insults at people trying to help you then fine. No more help for you.
i mean fake domain not good solution
But.. they lose the interface in DA
It was my understanding that his point was he wanted a user with no domain and still have the DA interface.