Please help me in choosing web hosting


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Hi everyone,
I am sorry for possible offtopic, but I need your help in find new web hosting provider as soon as possible, because my current host ( is kicking me off, they say 'your account is using a lot server resources', but my website gets only about 200 visitors per day and my disk usage is 1500 MB (maybe they do not like that?)

Anyway, what would be your recommendations for getting reliable web hosting? Where are you hosting your websites? Are you happy with your providers?

I am now checking - offer looks very nice, but is it real that they can provide unlimited disk space?
I have contacted them about this question and they say something that "These days 500GB disk drive costs only $30 per month, so if some day we will run out of disk space we will simply add new 500GB disk drive with almost zero costs and you can continue uploading without any problems".

What do you think about it? Maybe things have changed in last 4 years? With my current provider I get only 2GB of disk space for $10 per month..
Any ideas and suggestions are much appreciated.
Firstly offtopic...secondly stay away from "unlimited" offers...simply impractical.
golden rule:"you get what you pay for" ;)
This thread is very off-topic, so I've moved it to where it belongs.

Since is CPanel based, and we're a forum for hosting companies using the DirectAdmin control panel, I wonder why you're even asking here.

But since you are, let me say that many companies advertise unlimited and then do what you say did to you; they ask you to leave because you've passed some poorly designed server resources limit.

You're probably best off to move to a company with a defined set of hosting plans at different prices for different limits, where you know you'll always be able to move to a higher-limit plan if you use more resources than your current plan allows.

As for helping you choose one, we'd love to; We'd all just tell you to choose ourselves; we're almost all of us hosting companies using the DirectAdmin control panel.

Which is why we don't generally answer such solicitations here; we're all competitors when it comes time to serving clients, while we cooperate in how to successfully use our common software.

Good luck.

this is too scary for me. may be they have hidden agenda :(

i believe if it run by google

or why just give it a try with generic page and file storage
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Yes, us web hosts have a hidden agenda to make you our client. To further this agenda, members of the forums answer questions in the most helpful way. Malicious.