I've transfered my client over from his cpanel box to my da box. I forgot that he has an SSL cert and would need his own IP address so I put him on the shared IP.
So now of course the DNS has resolved and I discover that I'm going to need to change his IP to a private IP address. How can I do this without killing his whole site for 4 hours?
Is there a way that I can "add" A-records and vhosts for all domains/subdomains on the new IP address? Or any way of aliasing stuff. I just don't want his site to go into DNS error limbo for X hours.
What to do?
So now of course the DNS has resolved and I discover that I'm going to need to change his IP to a private IP address. How can I do this without killing his whole site for 4 hours?
Is there a way that I can "add" A-records and vhosts for all domains/subdomains on the new IP address? Or any way of aliasing stuff. I just don't want his site to go into DNS error limbo for X hours.
What to do?