[Plugin] CPU / RAM Monitor


Verified User
Jun 7, 2011
The script collects samples of the entire server load, converts them and draws an average CPU load and memory for specific users. These data are available for both: the user (in the form of graphs of daily load) and for the administrator (you can set individual limits for different users on the server and monitor cpu usage). The software can also send automatic notifications to users, when limit is exceeded.

The script works like this in cpanel/WHM, but it gives the possibility of configuration and data are also displayed to the user.

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Interesting plugin. Does the reseller also get a warning when the user is notified? Can you set the user to be suspended (and the reseller get a warning) when resource load stays above a certain threshold for a specified length of time?

Does the reseller also get a warning when the user is notified?

In the current version only the administrator has access to user data, but it is a good idea and we will try to introduce it in the next upgrade.

Can you set the user to be suspended (and the reseller get a warning) when resource load stays above a certain threshold for a specified length of time?

We plan to introduce this option in version 2.0.

Is working with mod_ruid?

Unfortunately we did not test the plugin with mod_ruid.

We'll want the plugin once it does the emails as mentioned above, and does the suspension (or at least an email warning) when the resource load stays above a certain threshold for a specified length of time.

Please let us know when it becomes available.

Any trial or demo to use that ?

Tomasz Kisiek Kisielewski
Hello, seems to be great plugin, I just need some help because it isn't working for me :( I always have "No data to show" when I access it from admin view and when I access it form reseller view or user view I get a blank page (not entire blank page just on the section where it supposed to load)

I'm on Debian 6 64bit with Apache 2 and Danginx puling loaded :)
I would like the questions here as we all could benefit from the answer, well unless ofcourse its personal in nature ...
1)My question is this, will this work with a server and multiple IP's assigned to the server?
2)when can we expect an update, any eta on a date...

@ panosru
did you get that solved?

We do not share a demo version at this time.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask!

I think the author need to be a little more specific in server requirements, all I see on the site is
Server requirements

* PHP with allow_url_fopen enabled, safe_mode & open_basedir disabled (for root)
* PHP as CGI, suPHP etc. (not mod_php!)
* ionCube loader
* CronTab
If it's OS dependent, or 32/64 bit, or a module that will interfere.
last time we had ioncube, server side install the server experienced the Monday morning blues all week lol (slow performance)
Out of stock

I realize this is an old topic but it does seem like a great plugin
I wish I could buy it, but....
"We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For further information, please contact us."
and when I try to contact for more info
I get this reply
"We do not sell this plugin already."

its a shame because it looks like it could be a winner in my books