[Plugin] INSC


New member
Jun 8, 2010
INSC (Install Script) for Directadmin has been released, INSC is a fork of Easy Site Installer.

Release 0.1.3 :
Some code cleanup
Removed non English scripts
Testing scripts update feature
Updated php-nuke to 8.1
added WebSite Baker
Removed all short codes
Re-constructed all Scripts have a info page now.
Other minor fixes

How to install

mkdir -p /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/insc/scripts
cd /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/insc/scripts/
wget http://insc.nwabytes.com/files/scripts/install.sh ; chmod +x install.sh ; ./install.sh

This is my first attempt at working with a plugin

More info at http://insc.nwabytes.com
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nice plugin but do you know about installatron and other professional cms installer that support directadmin?

i thin if you can buld some scipt that directadmin user can build website with editor. i mean online site builder it is the first script for directadmin
This plugin needs some tweaking and just a little bit more development.
First errror:

[root@server ~]# cd /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/insc/scripts ; ./scripts update.sh
--2010-06-09 14:19:19-- http://insc.nwabytes.com/files/source/scriptfiles.txt
Resolving insc.nwabytes.com...
Connecting to insc.nwabytes.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2010-06-09 14:19:20 ERROR 404: Not Found.

cat: scriptfiles.txt: No such file or directory
cat: scriptfiles.txt: No such file or directory
--2010-06-09 14:19:20-- http://insc.nwabytes.com/files/sql/sqlfiles.txt
Resolving insc.nwabytes.com...

If you please fix this 404 error I am happy to test this plugin.
404 errors, I was doing a lot of changes lastnight. those should be resolved

I added Website baker to the list

Still having issues running updates from the DA plug-in control panel, but they run fine from shell. after 0.1.2 everything updates with ./update.sh
I still dont get what it is...haha
//what a valuable comment. Thank you. //

This plugin is for installing software on server just like installatron or Softaculous. Op releases this to public without any obligations to test or use.
Why comment in such a silly way if you're not interested by any means?
Are this free?
Is has some advantage over softaculous?

This is OpenSource.

Softaculous is good, But i dont like how it takes you out of DA so to speak. This a fork of easy site install thats been a plugin for DA for quite sometime. Im just adding more CMS's and more fuctionality. I want to keep the installer "inside" DA.

Basically it just a project i work on in my spare time that i am sharing
Im not sure what your talking about.

I mean, that i would install it, if i were able to select the download url sources myself.

Do you now host the files or do you select links to the software websites?

Also it would be a nice feature to let us add some icons and download url's aswell.
Make the script just a little bit nicer and add some more features.. I would most probally wouldnt mind if you put your tag on the install page after that.
As long as you let the systemadmins decide what to install and add more software stuff.
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I mean, that i would install it, if i were able to select the download url sources myself.

Do you now host the files or do you select links to the software websites?

Also it would be a nice feature to let us add some icons and download url's aswell.
Make the script just a little bit nicer and add some more features.. I would most probally wouldnt mind if you put your tag on the install page after that.
As long as you let the systemadmins decide what to install and add more software stuff.

Downloading the scripts from the authors site would be nice but i fear INSC would easily run into issues unknowing what changes have been made in the updated scripts, So yes the scripts are hosted on my servers.

The screen shots on insc.nwabytes.com is from the first release, it has changed quite alot. I have added a few more scripts. concrete5, phpfusion, e107 and codeigniter. There is a few bugs im working out before i release this version.
Looking at your screenshots I'm not sure if we can pick and choose scripts, allow or disallow it for resellers, and then give resellers the same ability for their usres. In my opinion these are important requirements for a script installer.
