Plugins in different sections


Verified User
Oct 31, 2003
It would be great if we could chose in what section a plugin appears.

An antispam or a webmail plugin would best fit in the email section, etc.

Now the problem is that we can organise things the way we want in a template, so DA, as it stands now, wouldn't know every section that we have.

So it would be great if DA could get the name of sections from its config file (because templates are not all the same). That way, when we install a plugin, we could chose the section we want it to appear in and if that section doesn't exist, the plugin will be placed in the default location.

For this to work, the template's main html page will have to be splited into different section (blocks) files.
I agree that DA's placement of the plugin linker files is a bit limited. Also it's only possible to have something like 5 (or maybe it's 8) plugins linked in each level of DA at the same time.

I feel that plugins are too restricted for said reasons. I can easily think of more than 5 (or 8 if you give me time :)) plugins that could go in the User panel. And as you agree, plugin linker file placement is horridly uncustomizable.

The solution is to implement a for() function and arrays into the themes parsing system. Given both, we can do something like this:

User general section:

for_each plugins_classified_as_user_general {
do display_plugin_link

Admin general section:

for_each plugins_classified_as_admin_general {
do display_plugin_link

User email section:

for_each plugins_classified_as_user_email {
do display_plugin_link


That will not only allow for unlimited plugins of any type in each level of DA, but it will also allow plugin authors to choose which section their plugin should appear.

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