PMA Database ... not OK [ Documentation ] General relation features Disabled


Verified User
Nov 19, 2003
PhpMyAdmin workt, but when i will try to create a table, it don't work. ik don't get an error but only a red empty balk...

below the homepage of myadmin is : The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated. To find out why click here.

when i click it gives: PMA Database ... not OK [ Documentation ] General relation features Disabled

last days i have update php from 5.2 -> 5.3 -> 5.4
i think it is because the update, but i am not real sure, because i didn't test phpMyAdmin before the update..

I have empty al cookies of my home pc..
above is solved by:

but my problem is not solved?????

when i will create a table i can fill in table name's but when i will save, it gives only a red line with on the left an exclamation mark

and i got a second problem???

i cant select the database i want???? when i will select a database, it goes everytime back to everytime the same database???
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Wich version of phpMyAdmin are you running? Make sure you are running the newest version. You should check the setting in this file:


Make sure you have a line in options.conf that say:


If not change to that in options.conf and run:

./build update
./build phpmyadmin
i have the newest version of phpMyAdmin ( newest from custumbuild ) reboot serveral times, and now i put my snapshot back from before i did

the problem is i can't create tables, it dont give any error but only a red line..

when i will try to create a table directly in SQL it give the following error:

import.php: Missing parameter: import_typeDocumentation
import.php: Missing parameter: formatDocumentation

hole evening search on google don't give me the solution..

i think it must be a result of the update from php5.2 -> 5.4
Oups i miss to say: check your php build conf.
Before my update i compile php with pdo, and when i update i have same error because php build without pdo. I recompile php with custombuild after add my config in conf file, and that work fine.
That not come from phpmyadmin.
I try to do it with

Add the next in the custombuild config php5

--enable-pdo=shared /
--with-pdo-mysql=shared /
--with-sqlite=shared /
--with-pdo-sqlite=shared /

./build clean
./build php n

but that gives not the result i want??
Is this the way u did it?
I add what i have in php conf before update, before update i have :

--with-pdo \
--enable-pdo \
--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \
--with-sqlite \
--with-pdo-sqlite \

So I add this in php conf before built it, but perhaps in not same for you, check your previous conf.

I have to look further.


i can't import SQL it gives

import.php: Missing parameter: import_typeDocumentation
import.php: Missing parameter: formatDocumentation

even by very smal queries..

and i can't create manual tables or coloms :(