PMA Database ... not OK[ Documentation ]


Verified User
Oct 7, 2003
Hi there,
I’m having some problem trying to restore a database backup to mySQL. database has been successfully restored


I am using phpMyAdmin 2.5.4.
I noticed that I do have an error.

"The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. To find out why click here."

"PMA Database ... not OK [Documentation]
General relation features Disabled."

How to fix this?????:confused:
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DA doesn't create the PMA database when phpMyAdmin is installed. It only used for very specific features of PMA, but they're rarely used and so not included in the install. If you do require it, instructions can be found at Note that these features are not required for database dumping/restoring.

Now.. you say:
I’m having some problem trying to restore a database backup to mySQL. database has been successfully restored
so.. does it work or doesn't it? Is that just the return value from DA? .. Try changing your DA password, and then changing it back again.

I have seen the problem before where a site hits its quotas and scripts such as forums try to write to the database fail, and the tables get corrupted.

If you try to utilise the database using a script you will more than likely get an error with table.MYD, trying to use other tables, if this is the case may also cause the problem to occur with them also.

With the problems I have found myself above I know phpmyadmin states it cant open PMA database when the particular table is selected within phpMyAdmin.

Due to that my guess is, as you have probably guessed the site is over its quota.

I would run the directadmin quota checker so you get accurate figures and take a look at that before going any further.
