pointers & email alias


Verified User
Oct 12, 2003
Hello ,

Just a quetune , i configured a domain with a pointer , then
the client decide to leave the pointer domain on his previuos hosting company , so the pointer need to be deleted so the emails send via the main domain SMTP email account wont relay to the local email account couse if the server see that the domain is local it will relay it localy to the alias insted of to the other hosting server .

My quetune is : after deleting the pointer does all the neccessary
configs are deleted as well (DNS , SMTP etc...) . I removed the pointer and need to know for sure that emails sent via the main domain email boxes to the other domain(wich was the pointer)
will relay the emails to the other server rather then to the local
mailboxes wich were aliases boxes to the pointer domain .

Thanks ,
Last edited:
Hi, I'd like to help answer your question, but I don't really understand it. Could you please retype/rephrase it so we can help you better? Thanks!
Thanks , i had typing mistake in the word relay , typed realy insted . I fiexed the typings .

Thanks ,