Possible bug: Mysql drop table does not delete users


Verified User
May 10, 2020
I discovered a possible bug whilst I accidentaly dropped a table from within mysql workbench: When trying to re-add the db in directadmin, I got the message "that user allready exists", when adding the db with a different user it works fine though. The user was not in the dropdown list though, but after creation the user was in the users list for that db.
Hold on, drop table or drop database? If the latter, just a DROP won't delete the user, users can have many databases.....


You mean restoring instead of re-adding?
yes, drop database (oops)

and I mean re-adding it in directadmin, as due to the drop of database the entry was gone there. but the user of that db (a user only on that db) was not selectable, even though id did exsist. Adding the db whilst selecting another user (that is shared amongst 2 other db's) made it work, though this might give problems at some point. Making directadmin look for users directly might make this less of a hassle if you had only one user on that database for example.
If you have support with a licence, you might want to bring this to their attention via a ticket, they will check what's happening.......... Although, deleting a database via external methods is asking for trouble, whether it's a mistake or not.
yeah, I don't have a licence with support... and It's indeed asking for trouble, disabeling the drop database permissions by default might be a fix though (as you realy should delete it from within DA)