Possible New Client


Verified User
Jun 19, 2004
I am currently running the free version of CPanel on my dedicated server. It is becoming a pain to use, I am very interested in your product however I have a question that needs to be answered first.

Does Direct Admin (DA) have any pre-installed scripts to use i.e. guestbook, bbs, etc?

If not are they easy to install and available?


No it does not. But Installatron has all of this and much more.
Hi - I was in your position around a year ago and have never looked back since having DA

Heres the link to the installatron here

Another issue

Thanks guys it is good to now know and see that program. Now the other issue is this is a active server, at the most I can afford to lose maybe one full day of down time.

I have seen some complaints about the delay to install DA, how long will it take for a new installation?

if you are switching from cpanel to DA on the same box, you will almost probably need to format the drive.

CPanel is evil and makes some changes to the underlying OS that you might not be able to "recover" from.

Though, I have never tried a direct DA->CPanel migration on the same machine w/o slicking it, so maybe someone around here can provide you with more info in that regard.

As for installation, it is relatively quick actually (if you do it yourself). There is really no reason a install of DA, and getting things setup (admins/packages/etc) should take more than a couple hours.

The server would be formatted and start clean, as for the installation I was looking at the month to month package with support. Have them install it not me.
I would suggest that it might take longer than 24 hours total; unless you have a plan with timing in place with the DA staff before you start.

Have you written the DA sales department?
