Pre-Installation question with FreeBSD 4.10


Verified User
Apr 6, 2004
Hi folks,

I want to have a dedicated server and my DC doesn't support DA - so I have to do all on my own :D

My question is:

I have a server with 80GB with 2GB RAM on it and the partitioning would look like:

100 MB /
001 GB /tmp
xxx GB /usr (rest of free space, ergo 62.9 GB)
010 GB /var
006 GB swap (swap should be 2x-3x RAM)
softupdates (all except / and swap)

Please remember: It's FreeBSD not RedHat! I've come to this paritioning scheme after visiting Servermatrix's forum and looking into the FreeBSD handbook.

My second question is, since my DC doesn't support DA I have to tell them to set up a "clean installation" (according to the installation guide at What should I write to them? While I saw in this forum that they simply have to select "developer" (without X, of course) during installation, but I don't know if other software gets installed when my DC simply presses "default" settings. I tried to look up this information in the handbook but it looks like I haven't found it, yet :o

My third question is about the license. Given the fact that my server from above needs to be replaced with a more powerful one. How can I solve the problem for having two license at the same time (for the move from server A to server B)? Shall I have a second monthly license or can I use my license twice for 2 days without worrying? I plan to buy the lifetime license.

Thanks for answering my noob questions :p
abacrux said:
My third question is about the license. Given the fact that my server from above needs to be replaced with a more powerful one. How can I solve the problem for having two license at the same time (for the move from server A to server B)? Shall I have a second monthly license or can I use my license twice for 2 days without worrying? I plan to buy the lifetime license.
Your DA license will be limited to work on only one IP#.

To have two systems running DA at the same time you'll have to have two licenses.

You could rent a license for a short term, and then replace it with your lifetime license (changed to the new IP) after you've moved and tested everything.

Or you could ask the DA sales group if they're willing to let you have a short-term license for a week or so.
