[PREVIEW] Subversion Repository Management


Verified User
Aug 8, 2006
I have written a plugin to manage multiple subversion repositories through DirectAdmin. Currently it uses svnserve with a passwd file under each repository and is fully editable via the web interface. Before I take the time to write documentation I was curious to if there was any interest for a plugin like this. Attached are some screenshots.


  • main.png
    93.9 KB · Views: 1,108
Additional screenshot. This is what you will get when you click on a repository on the main menu.


  • detail.png
    67.3 KB · Views: 811
Additional screenshot. This is the screen you will see when adding a new user to a repository. Once you click New you will see a new darker row with 2 text boxes, once entered you click Save and the passwd file is written to.


  • new.png
    71.4 KB · Views: 590
Very interested ! :up:

Probably you have a quite good experience with Subversion.. ;)
- Is there possibility to write "HowTo" for installing and configuring multiuser Subversion on a server with DA ?

.. and about module:
- Is there possibility to create repositories ?
- Will this module be requiring pay or free ?
wdclub said:
Very interested ! :up:

Probably you have a quite good experience with Subversion.. ;)
- Is there possibility to write "HowTo" for installing and configuring multiuser Subversion on a server with DA ?
Yes, if there is interest in this plugin I will write a step by step howto on how to setup the repository and the plugin to coexist.

wdclub said:
- Is there possibility to create repositories ?
Yes, I am adding that today. The button will appear on the main screen. I am also adding the ability to import repositories from dump files that are uploaded as well.

wdclub said:
- Will this module be requiring pay or free ?

I have no plans to charge for this plugin, and it will most likely be released as GPL with no SourceGuardian.
I'm very interesting in this plugin.
When you'll plan to release?
Can I be a tester? :)
I have added add,delete, and import from SVN dump options. I feel that this is ready for beta testing. If you would like to test this, please PM me and I will pick 5 people.
No PM, but I'd be willing to test this for a while.

If you hurry up (aka within 2 weeks), I can test in RH 8, RH 9 and Debian Sarge for ya.

However, I will be using this for production in only RH 9 environment, I guess...

My request would be to add a WebSVN from inside DA. And be able to create backups from the repository.

I would LOVE to have this plugin. I've just started using SVN and I love it. It's very handy since I am working on two different computers and it makes it easy to publish a site and updates. I've got SVN installed on my server (I ran "yum install subversion"), but I don't know how to set up repositories and connect to them. I'm still very new to this. It would be nice if DirectAdmin let me set this up and gave me the address to connect to my repository.
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Well, while we all wait for a response, does anyone know how to set up SVN manually?

I've svn installed but whenever I try to create a repository I get this error:

svnadmin create /home/admin/svn-repos
svn: Berkeley DB error while creating environment for filesystem /home/admin/svn-repos/db:
Invalid argument
svn: bdb: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments
xhenxhe said:
Well, while we all wait for a response, does anyone know how to set up SVN manually?
svn: bdb: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments

Try it with the fsfs setting, might work a bit better.