Previous month/s bandwidth usage.


Verified User
Sep 6, 2005
I would like to be able to see the previous month or months bandwidth usage per account so that i can bill accordingly. Is this possible, if not can this be added to future versions.
From the user level go to the statistics page, then at the top of the page there should be a link named history or there abouts. It should show the log of each months usage of bandwidth and diskspace.

Is that what you were looking for?
I believe he is asking at the reseller and admin level. Right now there IS NO EASY WAY to tally last months bandwidth and diskspace usage for all customers without using the API to do this.

I would also like to see this feature available so you can easliy figure out the overages.

Emailing overages to a specific Email address at the begining of the new month would also be great.