Solved Pro Pack Issues


Verified User
Aug 3, 2020
Hello Everyone,
I have DA with pro pack but I am getting issues with it

Python/Java/Ruby/Perl/NodeJS support with the use of Nginx Unit (Installed and can be viewed on the user end)
Per-User Redis manager (Installed apparently but can't find it anywhere)
Additional features for Nginx (automatic CMS templates, WordPress+FastCGI cache support) (Not sure where to find this as I have not seen it anywhere)
Ability to throttle resources per-user (CPU/RAM/IO etc.) (Can't find this)
Admin SSL (SSL administration, ability to use cross-user wildcard certs, replace expired certs with Let's Encrypt) (Installed and I can view it)
More advanced Email Track&Trace, Email Summary (Installed and I can view it)
Web Terminal (Can't see this anywhere)
GIT manager (Not installed yet)
ClamAV scanner for filesystem scans (Not Installed yet)
WordPress manager (Installed but can't see it on user end)
MAP sync for Email synchronization (Installed but everytime you click on it throws up an error)

If anyone could help with the above would be much appreciated.


Apologies forgot to update, so I did not realise that when you update the user packages it does not reflect server wide. So, I was updating them and not being able to see anything. Only when I went into each account and resaved the same package did it update. Thank you for your help.
Changes in a User Package effect users who use it. But as soon as you customize any option under a specific user, they loose an original package and get a "custom" package. Settings of such users won't be ever updated if you change the package, you will need either change users individually or assign a package to them once again. That's how it works in DirectAdmin.