Problem generating CSR


Verified User
Jan 1, 2008
I'm trying to setup an SSL certificate for a client. I generated a CST through DirectAdmin and got the following message back from ENom/GeoTrust:

An error occurred: [CODE: -2019] [MESSAGE: Your CSR contains a key size that is no longer considered secure. Security best practices require a minimum key size of 2048 bits. Please submit a new CSR with a minimum 2048 bit key size.]

How do I fix this issue?
I have tried creating a self signed certificate at 2048. The way I got the option was to add the HTML text in the ssl.html file.

However, it is still creating an insecure CSR.

Please help.
I have tried creating a self signed certificate at 2048. The way I got the option was to add the HTML text in the ssl.html file.
I have no idea what you mean by that. If you're using the latest version of DirectAdmin you shouldn't have to add any code to any html file.
