problem in httpd and dovecot (sbin/service httpd restart 2>&1)


Verified User
Nov 21, 2014
Hello ,

in my server yes this problem ,

dovecot Process is stopped 0 B
httpd Process is stopped 0 B

site show error
502 Bad Gateway

i try restart httpd or dovecot , show this error:

sbin/service httpd restart 2>&1

how i can fix this problem? help please.:(

In case when NGINX drops 502 error a good way to start fixing is to try to restart apache. So there is nothing wrong done by the topic starter. Nginx drops 502 error when it can not connect to apache or other backend as well as does not get a respond from it within a specified timeout.

Here we can see that apache is stopped and if nginx+apache scheme is used on the server then to fix it apache should be started.

It is a good option to check options.conf to understand whether or nginx was installed by custombuild. But it won't help to start apache.

Thus login as root and try to start apache from console and see what it might complain about. If it shows nothing please check error_log of apache.

The same with dovecot try to start it from console and see what it gives you.