That's wrong to add the line:
open_basedir = /home/:/tmp:/var/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php/
in a global php.ini. If you want to use
open_basedir in the global php.ini you should add
/var/www/html into the line:
open_basedir = /home/:/tmp:/var/tmp:/var/www/html:/usr/local/lib/php/
Otherwise you should use
individual per user php.ini, and set
open_basedir there.
CustomBuild 2.0 by default uses /usr/local/php<PHP_VERSION>/lib/php.conf.d/ to scan for additional .ini files. To follow this guide you should add:
SetEnv PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/|USER|/php/
directly into a VirtualHost as a custom code or into a template to make it global. In this case file /usr/local/php<PHP_VERSION>/lib/php.conf.d/10-directadmin.ini won't be loaded any longer. And you will loose modules: suhosin, ioncube, zend, etc; directives to load them are located in /usr/local/php<PHP_VERSION>/lib/php.conf.d/10-directadmin.ini. So you probably will need to move them into the global php.ini (that's a possible solution).
So what left (without much modifications of file organisation) is to either use
open_basedir in global
php.ini (
/var/www/html should be added into
open_basedir), or to switch to fastcgi/PHP-FPM.