Problem moving to another server


Verified User
Aug 13, 2008
I moved my website from a server with php 4 to one with php 5. I can see the data on my drop down lists but when I press go I stay on the same page. Both of my servers have DA. What am I doing wrong?
I dont think it is something wrong with PHP. You talking about control panel or your own website?
Drop down lists have nothing to do with PHP, they usualy are based on Javascript.
The drop down lists appear with data but when I click Go I don't move to the page chosen. Take a look at At the top of the page you can choose a branch and base. Click Go and you won't move anywhere. I currently have PHP 4 and am mover to a server with php 5.
Ah, then your PHP-code is not compatible with PHP 5, make sure that is big different between these versions. And 5.4 is also many changes from 5.3
So i dont think DA is the problem here.

You can post your code here if you want i can take a look..
Ah, then your PHP-code is not compatible with PHP 5, make sure that is big different between these versions. And 5.4 is also many changes from 5.3
So i dont think DA is the problem here.

You can post your code here if you want i can take a look..

Here is my code. There is a script and template code not included here.
<?PHP  //-- M A I N   P H P   C O D E         N E W D E S I G N
  IF ($what == "base" && $id_base == "-        Then Choose an Installation        -") {
    $what = "home";

  IF ($what == "contacted") { include "UpdateContactInfo.php";
    $contacted[business_name] = $business_name;
    $contacted[name] = $name;
    $contacted[email] = $email;
    $contacted[address] = $address;
    $contacted[city] = $city;
    $contacted[state] = $state;
    $contacted[zip_code] = $zip_code;
    $contacted[telephone] = $telephone;
    $contacted[fax] = $fax;
    $contacted[url] = $url;
    $contacted[business_address1] = $business_address1;
    $contacted[business_address2] = $business_address2;
    $contacted[business_address3] = $business_address3;
    $contacted[interested_in] = $interested_in;
    $contacted[payment_type] = $payment_type;
    $contacted[current_advertise] = $current_advertise;
    $contacted[interested_location] = $interested_location;
    $contacted[interested_location2] = $interested_location2;
    $contacted[interested_location3] = $interested_location3;
    $contacted[category1] = $category1;
    $contacted[category2] = $category2;
    $contacted[advertising_rep] = $advertising_rep;
    $contacted[relocating] = $relocating;
    $contacted[installation_living_at] = $installation_living_at;
    $contacted[installation_seeking_info_about] = $installation_seeking_info_about;
    $contacted[questions_comments] = $questions_comments;

  // Establish a database connection
  $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "xxxxxxx", "password");
   mysql_select_db("xxxxxxx", $conn);

  // Load Main Template and Combox Scripts
  $file1 = file("template08.txt"); 
  $file2 = file("script01.txt");

  // Print Output
  plines(1, 56, $file1);include_once "PutTitle.php";
  plines(1, 14, $file2);
  plines(18, 19, $file2);
  plines(28, 54, $file2);
  plines(57, 67, $file1);
  plines(55, 60, $file2);
  plines(68, 93, $file1);
  plines(94, 121, $file1);

//--------------------------------------------------------------------- F U N C T I O N S

FUNCTION plines($a, $b, $c) {                            //-----------------plines()-----

  FOR ($i = $a-1; $i < $b; $i++) {
    PRINT "$c[$i]";


FUNCTION banner($a, $b) {                                //-----------------banner()-----

  //# Get one random active banner from the database     #
  //# that is associated with the proper base (if        #
  //# specified).                                        #

  //| DB access requires $conn - which points  |
  //| to the DB connection established in the  |
  //| main block of code - to be global.       |

  GLOBAL $conn;

  //| If no base_id is specified in the        |
  //| function arguments $a will be empty.     |
  //| This causes an error if $a is then used  |
  //| in an SQL querry so if $a is empty it    |
  //| should be set to zero.                   |

  IF (empty($a)) {
    $a = 0;

  //| Put the querry to randomly select one    |
  //| active banner which is either global or  |
  //| associated with a base_id (if specified) |
  //| into variable $sql.                      |

  IF ($b == "y") {
    $sql = "SELECT graphic, link FROM banner WHERE base_id=\"$a\" AND active=\"y\" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
  } ELSE {
    $sql = "SELECT graphic, link FROM banner WHERE (base_id=\"$a\" OR base_id=\"0\") AND active=\"y\" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

  //| Execute the querry (using the querry     |
  //| string $sql and the DB connection        |
  //| pointer $conn) and put the MySQL result  |
  //| set into $result.                        |

  $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);

  //| Put the first record of the result set   |
  //| (there should only be one) into $b.      |

  $b = mysql_fetch_array($result);

  //| If the querry successfully returned      |
  //| results (which would mean $b[0] has data |
  //| in it) then use $b[0] (the file name of  |
  //| the banner image) and $b[1] (the url of  |
  //| the banner link) to construct the        |
  //| nesissary HTML tags to produce the       |
  //| banner and put that string into $c.      |

  IF ($b[0]) {
    $c =" <a href=\"" . $b[1] . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/" . $b[0] . "\" align=\"right\" width=\"468\" height=\"60\"></a>";

  //| If the querry was not successful (and    |
  //| $b[0] evaluates to FALSE) put the HTML   |
  //| for a standard banner ad into $c.        |

  ELSE {
    $c = "<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"images/ps1banner.gif\" width=\"468\" height=\"60\"></a></p>";

  //| Return the contents of $c as the output  |
  //| of the function.                         |

  RETURN $c;


FUNCTION s1branches() {                                  //-------------s1branches()-----

  GLOBAL $conn, $branches;

  $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT branch FROM installations ORDER BY branch";
  $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);

  $i = 1;
  $j = 1;
  WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $branches[$i] = trim($row[0]);
  $branches[0] = $i - 1;
  WHILE ($j <= $i - 2) {
    PRINT "                        new State($j, \"$branches[$j]\"),\n";
  PRINT "                        new State($j, \"$branches[$j]\")\n";


FUNCTION s1bases() {                                     //----------------s1bases()-----

  GLOBAL $conn, $branches;

  $i = 1;
  WHILE ($i < $branches[0]) {
    $sql = "SELECT base_id, base, state FROM installations WHERE branch=\"$branches[$i]\" ORDER BY base";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
    WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
      $row[1] = trim($row[1]);
      $row[2] = trim($row[2]);
      PRINT "                        new Base($row[0], $i, \"$row[1], $row[2]\"),\n";
  $sql = "SELECT base_id, base, state FROM installations WHERE branch=\"$branches[$i]\" ORDER BY base";
  $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
  FOR ($j = 1; $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $j++) {
    $last[$j][0] = $row[0];
    $last[$j][1] = trim($row[1]);
    $last[$j][2] = trim($row[2]);
  $k = 1;
  WHILE ($k < $j) {
    PRINT "                        new Base(" . $last[$k][0] . ", $i, \"" . $last[$k][1] . ", " . $last[$k][2] . "\"),\n";
  PRINT "                        new Base(" . $last[$k][0] . ", $i, \"" . $last[$k][1] . ", " . $last[$k][2] . "\")\n";


FUNCTION white_space() {                                 //------------white_space()-----

GLOBAL $what, $conn, $contacted;

  IF ($what == "base" || $what == "loc_dir" || $what == "loc_bus" || $what == "web_ad") {


  } ELSE IF ($what == "contacted") {

    $my_email = "email";
    $continue = "/";

    FOREACH ($contacted as $key => $value) {
      $message = $message . "$key: $value\n\n";

    $message = stripslashes($message);

    $subject = $_REQUEST[subject];
    $headers = "From: " . $Email . "\n" . "Return-Path: " . $Email . "\n" . "Reply-To: " . $Email . "\n";


    PRINT "<blockquote><br><p><font face=\"arial\" size=\"3\">Thank you";
    IF (isset($contacted[name])) {PRINT ", $contacted[name]";}
    PRINT  ", we will process your request shortly.<br><a href=\"index.php\">Return to Home Page.</a></font></blockquote></p>\n";

  } ELSE {

    IF (empty($what)) {
      $what = "home";

    // Get Phase One Pages
    $sql = "SELECT p1data FROM p1pages WHERE heading=\"$what\"";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
    $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    // Output
    //PRINT "    <blockquote>$data[0]</blockquote>\n";
    PRINT "    $data[0]\n";



FUNCTION base_page() {                                   //--------------base_page()-----

GLOBAL $conn, $id_base, $what, $local, $dir_id;

  IF ($what == "loc_dir" && $local == "Community Information") {
    $what = "base";
  } ELSE IF ($what == "loc_bus" && $local == "Local Businesses") {
    $what = "base";

  // Load the appropriate template(s)
  $file = file("template06.txt");
  //$scrip = file("script02.txt");

 IF ($what == "web_ad") {
    $sql = "SELECT p1data, base_id, heading FROM directory WHERE dir_id=\"$dir_id\"";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
    $ad = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    //$id_base = $ad[1];

  // Get individual base data and put into $data[0-5]
  $sql = "SELECT base, state, p1data, domain, banex FROM installations WHERE base_id=\"$id_base\"";
  $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
  $data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  $title = $data[0] . ", " . $data[1];

  // Get catagories for "Local Directory" select box
  $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT category FROM local_data WHERE (base_id=\"$id_base\" OR base_id=\"0\") ORDER BY category";
  $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
  WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $catagories[] = trim($row[0]);

  // Get headings for "Local Businesses" select box
  $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT heading FROM directory WHERE (base_id=\"$id_base\" OR base_id=\"0\") AND active=\"y\" ORDER BY heading";
  $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
  WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $headings[] = trim($row[0]);

  $local = trim($local);
  IF ($what == "loc_dir") {
    $sql = "SELECT p1data FROM local_data WHERE base_id=\"$id_base\" AND category=\"$local\"";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
    $local_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  } ELSE IF ($what == "loc_bus") {
    $sql = "SELECT name, telephone, url, dir_id FROM directory WHERE (base_id=\"$id_base\" OR base_id=\"0\") AND heading=\"$local\" AND active=\"y\" ORDER BY name";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
    $local_data = "      <table bordercolor=\"#1a2b6f\">\n        <tr>\n          <td vAlign=\"top\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#1a2b6f\">\n            <font face=\"Arial\" size=\"3\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">";
    $local_data .= $local;
    $local_data .= "</font>\n          </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n          <td>\n            <hr align=\"center\" width=\"650\" noShade SIZE=\"1\">\n          </td>\n        </tr>\n";
    WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
      $local_data .= "        <tr>\n          <td vAlign=\"top\">\n";
      $local_data .= "                  <font size=\"-1\" face=\"Arial\"><a href=\"index.php?what=web_ad&dir_id=" . $row[3] . "&id_base=$id_base\"><font color=\"#1a2b6f\"><b>" . $row[0] . "</b></font></a><br>" . $row[1] . "</font>\n";
      IF ($row[2]) {
        $local_data .= "          </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n          <td>\n            <a href=\"http://" . $row[2] . "\" target=\"_blank\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"-1\" color=\"#1a2b6f\">" . $row[2] . "</font></a>\n";
      $local_data .= "          </td>\n        </tr>\n        <tr>\n          <td>\n            <hr align=\"center\" width=\"650\" noShade SIZE=\"1\">\n          </td>\n        </tr>\n";
    $local_data .= "      </table>\n";

  IF ($what != "base") {
    $anchor1 = "<a href=\"index.php?what=base&id_base=$id_base\">";
    $anchor2 = "</a>";

  // Output
  plines(1, 4, $file);
  IF ($data[3]) {
    PRINT "              <p>";
    PRINT "$anchor1<font color=\"#000080\"><font face=\"Times New Roman\" size=\"4\">" . $data[3] . "$anchor2<br>\n";
    PRINT "              </font><font size=\"1\" face=\"Arial\"><b>" . $title . "</b></font></font></p>\n";
  } ELSE {
    PRINT "              <p>$anchor1<font color=\"#000080\"><font face=\"Times New Roman\" size=\"3\">" . $title . "</font>$anchor2</p>\n";
  plines(7, 8, $file);
  PRINT "            " . banner($id_base, $data[4]) . "\n";
  plines(10, 11, $file);
  //plines(1, 13, $scrip);
  plines(12, 15, $file);
  FOREACH ($catagories as $catagory) {
    PRINT "                  <option>$catagory</option>\n";
  plines(16, 17, $file);
  PRINT "              <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_base\" value=\"$id_base\">\n";
  plines(19, 27, $file);
  FOREACH ($headings as $heading) {
    PRINT "                      <option>$heading</option>\n";
  plines(28, 29, $file);
  PRINT "              <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id_base\" value=\"$id_base\">\n";
  plines(31, 37, $file);
  IF ($what == "loc_dir") {
    IF (empty($local_data[0])) {
      PRINT "        <font face=\"Arial\" size=\"4\">No Information Available: $local</font>\n";
    } ELSE {
      PRINT "        <font face=\"Arial\" size=\"4\">$local:</font><br><br>\n";
      PRINT "        $local_data[0]\n      </blockquote>\n";
  } ELSE IF ($what == "loc_bus") {
    PRINT "$local_data      </blockquote>\n";
  } ELSE IF ($what == "web_ad") {
    $local_data = "        <table bordercolor=\"#1a2b6f\">\n          <tr>\n            <td vAlign=\"top\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"#1a2b6f\">\n              <a href=\"index.php?what=loc_bus&id_base=$id_base&local=$ad[2]\"><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"3\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">";
    $local_data .= $ad[2];
    $local_data .= "</a></font>\n            </td>\n          </tr>\n        <tr>\n          <td>\n            <hr align=\"left\" width=\"650\" noShade SIZE=\"1\">\n          </td>\n        </tr>\n        </table>\n";
    PRINT "$local_data        " . $ad[0] . "\n        </blockquote>\n";
  } ELSE {
    PRINT "        $data[2]\n      </blockquote>\n";

I start from here: Looks like you had register globals on on your old server.

 IF ($what == "base" && $id_base == "- Then Choose an Installation -") {
 $what = "home";

The code above is most acceptable in this way, if what and id_base is posted variable

if(isset($_REQUEST['what']) && $_REQUEST['what'] == "base" && isset($_REQUEST['id_base']) && $_REQUEST['id_base'] == "- Then Choose an Installation -" ){
	// Do somthing

$what should be $_GET['what'], $_POST['what'] og $_REQUEST['what']

Your code is very old! Download new script if it is script you have downloaded from somewhere or you must begin coding from start if it is yours.
There is not much that the requirements of PHP 5

This is also not very acceptable -> $contacted[var], either should be $contacted[$var] or $contacted['var']
I am learning to write PHP and I want to do this myself. Is there an application that will help me write the code?
Use Dreamweaver, good for everthing, JS, HTML, PHP, ASP etc..

Dreamweaver gives comfortable color to the code that makes easier to understand and has a giant database that suggests the most when you're just starting to write something.
Use Dreamweaver, good for everthing, JS, HTML, PHP, ASP etc..

Dreamweaver gives comfortable color to the code that makes easier to understand and has a giant database that suggests the most when you're just starting to write something.

Thank you for your help. Have you ever used Netbeans IDE 7.4?
Thank you for all of your help. Currently I have php.ini file for my php 4. Will I need to have a config.php.ini for PHP 5? I ask because I was reading MySQL info and it said there should be a config.php.ini file. If so, where would I see this?