Problem Updating CentOS


Verified User
Aug 30, 2005
Bellingham, WA
I've been trying to update my DirectAdmin Server running CentOS and am running into a problem that perhaps someone here knows something about.

Using Yum to update my system I'm getting the following error:

Running rpm_check_debug
ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:
gecko-libs is needed by (installed) devhelp-0.12-19.el5.i386
(1, ['Please report this error in bugzilla'])
Does anyone have any idea why I might be geting this gecko-libs error and what to do about it?
I seem to have made some progress on this and am now running the yum update, however, I occasionally am seeing messages like this as it goes...

Updating       : system-config-date                                   204/527 
gtk-update-icon-cache: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: inflateInit_
error: %post(system-config-date-1.8.12-4.el5.centos.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 127

Has anyone here experienced this before, is it something I need to worry about?

Edited to add: the update finished and a yum update says everything is now up to date. I'm still a little concerned about those messages and think I'll wait to try rebooting my server for at least a while to see if anyone responds to this.

Thank you.
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Let me jump this thread a bit.. Got a bit similar dependancy issue when updating CentOS also..

--> Processing Dependency: for package: perl-rrdtool
filelists.xml.gz | 3.0 MB 00:01
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
perl-rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386 from dag has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: rrdtool = 1.4.4 is needed by package perl-rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386 (dag)
perl-rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386 from dag has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: is needed by package perl-rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386 (dag)
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package perl-rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386 (dag)
Error: Missing Dependency: rrdtool = 1.4.4 is needed by package perl-rrdtool-1.4.4-1.el5.rf.i386 (dag)

Yum update than stops.. I don't want to try to force things since the server is in production.. Any suggestions??
place the outpost of you're ssh cleint here to see the hole procces.

and if you try yum install gecko-libs?