Problem: Warning: The system load average is


New member
May 31, 2024

Server Details:​

  • CPU: 6 cores
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Hosted Pages: 2


I am receiving a high load alert on my server:

This is an automated message notifying you that the 5 minute load average on your system is 10.07.
This has exceeded the 5 threshold.

One Minute - 10.57
Five Minutes - 10.07
Fifteen Minutes - 8.55

top - 00:27:50 up 1 day, 1:59, 0 users, load average: 10.57, 10.07, 8.55
Tasks: 221 total, 11 running, 210 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 70.5 us, 27.3 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 2.3 st
MiB Mem : 15736.6 total, 12001.8 free, 2646.7 used, 1419.7 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 13089.9 avail Mem

93014 admin 20 0 326724 188624 17280 R 52.6 1.2 8:44.30 php-fpm: pool admin
93020 admin 20 0 297560 159960 17024 R 50.0 1.0 8:44.38 php-fpm: pool admin
93006 admin 20 0 326292 188404 16768 R 28.9 1.2 8:51.18 php-fpm: pool admin
93016 admin 20 0 324284 185944 16640 R 26.3 1.2 8:47.70 php-fpm: pool admin
93018 admin 20 0 301280 163604 16768 R 26.3 1.0 8:39.02 php-fpm: pool admin
93027 admin 20 0 324580 186620 17536 R 26.3 1.2 8:47.20 php-fpm: pool admin
93029 admin 20 0 326384 187560 16640 R 26.3 1.2 8:42.98 php-fpm: pool admin
92449 admin 20 0 304592 165724 16896 R 23.7 1.0 8:51.14 php-fpm: pool admin
93008 admin 20 0 321300 183656 17024 R 23.7 1.1 8:59.89 php-fpm: pool admin
93012 admin 20 0 310336 172300 17280 R 21.1 1.1 8:36.86 php-fpm: pool admin
856 mysql 20 0 2222448 169156 23552 S 2.6 1.0 216:59.04 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
93587 root 20 0 7636 3712 2944 R 2.6 0.0 0:00.10 /usr/bin/top -c -b -n 1

System Status:
CPU Usage:
Users: 70.5%
System: 27.3%
Memory:Total: 15736.6
MiBFree: 12001.8
MiBUsed: 2646.7
MiBBuff/cache: 1419.7
MiBSwap: 0.0 MiB (unused)
Main Processes:Multiple php-fpm processes from the admin pool are consuming a significant amount of CPU (around 50% each).The MySQL process is also consistently active, with many queries in "Sleep" state.
check your logs and website code, is it normal for website to have opened connections few hours? is it some realtime-online project?
your scripts must report something to own logs,
also check apache/nginx logs
This how I identify issued.

1 : Check in Resource Limits, find users have some high Task, CPU, Mem, Disk IO
2 : Read logs size of all their website.
3 : Check some logs which have hight avg size, find weird spam request URI Path.

p.s. Resource Limits is propack feature.
I verify in the consumption that the php-fpm: pool admin is the one that has excessive consumption


  • 1719177543054.png
    40 KB · Views: 14
you can see same on your first post, you need to check logs to find out what exaclty causes load.
also you can check mysql processlist to see requests.
This is error log.

Mon Jun 24 00:11:22.007047 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 4209:tid 139621979637312] [client] AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header
[Mon Jun 24 00:11:22.007135 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 4209:tid 139621979637312] (104)Connection reset by peer: [client] AH01075: Error dispatching request to :
[Mon Jun 24 00:11:22.008086 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 4206:tid 139623865820736] [remote] AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header
Apparently you have problems reading the fastcgi, try to fix it with this command although it does fix most of the same error but it continues to persist. I don't know if this is adequate to solve it?

echo 'ProxyTimeout 1800' >> /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-includes.conf
service httpd restart