Problem with access levels


Verified User
Jan 1, 2008
I'm having a problem with my vps and I think it has to do with a directadmin configuration setting or something.

I've got some sites setup on my server that run Joomla. Whenever I go to install a component or plugin (done via a browser installation screen), it uploads the component to the server but when it creates the appropriate directories (ie. administrator/components/com_somecomp) it sets the user as apache instead of my username of the owner of the site.

There is two problems with this:

1. I think it could be a security issue as all sites within my directadmin would then have access to this folder through the browser.

2. Whenever I try to edit that component or use it, I have to SSH in and manually change the owner to that particular directory.

Can anyone tell me how to set it up so this doesn't happen??
By default apache loads files as itself. It doesn't run as root so it can't upload as any user but itself.

What you can do is recofigure your DirectAdmin system to run php as fast-cgi rather than as an apache module. Search these forums for custombuild for more information.

Thank you... I've been searching and searching and I can't seem to find a tutorial that quite matches my setup.

I'm running CentOS 5.1 and I would like to setup my server that PHP5 is the default and that PHP4 can be loaded if the user wants to manually set it up that way.

I currently have Zend Optimizer and Xcache installed and I think that I can't use Xcache if I use suexec... right? If so, can anyone tell me how to uninstall it because I forget what I did to install it.

Any guidance here is appreciated.
I don't know anything about Xcache. If your server is running custombuild (and if not you can convert it) you canrun PHP5 as default and PHP4 as optional; search these forums for custombuild.
