Problem with backups in 1.21.1


Verified User
Oct 19, 2003
I can run a manual backup fine, but when I choose to cron it I get an error message emailed to me.

Subject: An error occured during the backup. Today at 07:01 
You have not selected any Users. Please go back and select some before creating the backup.

So I double checked my settings, and under 'Current Backup Crons' it lists all the users I had previously selected.

*Note this is using FTP not the local system if that matters.

Seems like every single OS is different. I've already had to rewite how it's stored in the cronjobs a few ways.. guess I'll need a few more :)

Manually edit the cron for the "diradmin" user, and change the file which it outputs the request to. (currently set to /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue.da

Because of strange characters, it need to be escaped (ie replace = with html safe character %##).. but cron uses % for stdinput, so it needed to be re-changed. Some os's you can put \% and it will write % to the file, other OS's it would write \%.. Pain in the neck.. So, again, we needed to replace % with \045 for the echo command (recognized only for Redhat though). So there are a few versions of the cron floating around depending on what OS you have. If you want to post the OS, I can have another look on my end.

[slava@dns1 slava]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
[slava@dns1 slava]$ uname -r