Problem with domain


Verified User
Aug 2, 2003
The South
Got a domain on a server, DNS has propagated and everything looks ok, but email is bouncing (unknown user) and when I go to the web site I get sent to the default site for the server (/var/www/html) however going to http://<ip>/~username/ works fine.

Email sent in to the domain bounces with user unknown.

Need to get this one fixed fast they're not happy about bouncing emails.
tried removing the site and restoring? also, try modifying the accounts quotas or anything, i know with ensim when you modify a site, pretty much all configs are rewritten, is this is the same with DA it may work.

Also ping the domain to confirm its resolving, also make sure you have all your DNS records there.

I found the problem it was a bad IP not sure how that snuck in there but two accounts had the bad ip for their ip and the rest of the accounts were fine. Changed IP and all is well, nothing like learning the nuances of a new control panel.