Problem with


Verified User
Oct 3, 2003
Scottsdale, AZ
Anyone having problems accessing . I am installing DirectAdmin for the first time and it appears there is a problem with the site. The script is hanging trying to download files from this site. The IP responds to ping and wget actually connects to the address, just nothing downloads. Of course my server was not setup and working until after support went home for the weekend.
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It's running at the momment, let us know if you can't get through. We sometimes do some testing on that server, so if you ever can't get in, just try 5 minutes later :)

Thanks, I got around that problem and now I need to figure out another problem I ran into. I installed my system onto a reiserfs file system, and it appears quota does not work on this filesystem without some patches. I would convert the filesystem, but since it is located in another state it is not that easy. I am going to test the patches so I can get it to with reiserfs. It should really be stated in your Install Guide that you can't (shouldn't) have reiserfs. I know it is not the default filesystem for RedHat, but I have used it for years and like it better than ext3. Had I known, I would have stuck with the default filesystem.

It will still work if quotas are not enabled on the system, however you'll need to increase the frequencey of the quotacheck command in it's cron file.

Edit: /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron and change the quota line to:

5 0 0 * * root quotaoff -a; quotacheck -augm; quotaon -a;

this will run it every day, so that the disk usages are updated properly.

(Note you might actually be able to remove the quotaoff and quotaon parts of the line because they just complain about not having quotas anyway, but I havn't tested this, so can't say for sure)
