Problem with international domains:(

What are you expecting it to display?
Have you uploaded a new index.html file to the public_html directory?

It seems to be working on my side, squirrelmail etc can also be accessed from the server.
jmstacey said:
What are you expecting it to display?
Have you uploaded a new index.html file to the public_html directory?

It seems to be working on my side, squirrelmail etc can also be accessed from the server.
I expect to display my index.html... but I see "Apache is functioning normally" :(
Do any domains work? .pl has been working fine for others.
Check for misconfigurations in your httpd.conf file
Probably something like DocumentRoot or Alias

That include the httpd.conf for that account aswell.
Yes, other domains (non international:)) workings fine. only domains with ±ê󶿼æñ³ don't work.

# Auto generated apache config file by DirectAdmin version 1.23.5
# Modifying this file is not recommended as any changes you make will be
# overwritten when the user makes any changes to his/her website

# Frontpage requires these parameters in every httpd.conf file or else
# it won't work.
ServerRoot /etc/httpd


        ServerName [url][/url]
        ServerAlias [url][/url]
        ServerAdmin [email][email protected][/email]
        DocumentRoot /home/admin/domains/
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/admin/domains/

        UseCanonicalName OFF

        SuexecUserGroup admin admin
        CustomLog /var/log/httpd/domains/ bytes
        CustomLog /var/log/httpd/domains/ combined
        ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/domains/

        <Directory /home/admin/domains/>
                Options +Includes -Indexes
                php_admin_flag engine ON
                php_admin_flag safe_mode OFF
                php_admin_value sendmail_path '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f [email][email protected][/email]'

        php_admin_value open_basedir /home/admin/:/tmp/:/var/www/:/usr/local/lib/php/:/etc/virtual/


[ other domains, ssl etc ]


        ServerName [url]www.chrz±[/url]
        ServerAlias [url]www.chrz±[/url] chrz±
        ServerAdmin webmaster@chrz±
        DocumentRoot /home/admin/domains/chrz±
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/admin/domains/chrz±

        UseCanonicalName OFF

        SuexecUserGroup admin admin
        CustomLog /var/log/httpd/domains/chrz± bytes
        CustomLog /var/log/httpd/domains/chrz± combined
        ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/domains/chrz±

        <Directory /home/admin/domains/chrz±>
                Options +Includes -Indexes
                php_admin_flag engine ON
                php_admin_flag safe_mode OFF
                php_admin_value sendmail_path '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f admin@chrz±'

        php_admin_value open_basedir /home/admin/:/tmp/:/var/www/:/usr/local/lib/php/:/etc/virtual/

I don't run IE, so I can only check on Mozilla, Konqueror, and Firefox.

Of the three only Firefox attempts to use the international character set and resolve the site.

It does, and it does give me the one line "Apache is functioning normally".

My bet is there's a misconfiguration somewhere in httpd.conf, probably somewhere in what character sets are used.

I'd say look in the apache error log for the site.

If you don't find an error, then look in the main apache log for the site to see exactly what's happening.
