problem with libcurl-devel and libcurl installing


New member
Jan 10, 2014
i was installing basics programs that i'll need for installing directadmin on my centos 5.8 32bit
all packages installed but the only problems is

No package libcurl available.
No package libcurl-devel available.

how i can install them in other way?
Just out of curiousity... If that is a new to setup server, why don't you use Centos 6.5? That's also available in 32-bit and I can 't think of a reason why to stay at Centos 5.
There are several issues with this on Centos 5.9 (so probably also on 5.8).

The other way is to install them by using a repository (like epel) or just install via an RPM. But I would advise to remove the OS and change to Centos 6.