The error text:
"A valid IP was not provided"
is generated by DA when a valid IP is not passed to DA when creating a User. It's likely that either the IP not being passed at all, or an invalid IP is being passed.
However, to confirm what is or isn't being passed, run DA in debug mode to check.
Go to the page in WHMCS so that you're 1 click away from duplicating that error, but don't submit it yet.
Login to ssh on your DA box and type
cd /usr/local/directadmin/
killall -9 directadmin
./directadmin b2000
Now DA is ready to spit out whatever it's getting.
Go back into WHMCS and click the submit button to pass the request to DA.
You'll get a large amount of text, but you're looking for the "
Post string:" value in the output.
With that post string, we're looking for something like &ip= where is the IP it's passing, among other data passed to DA like the username, password, email, domain name, package, etc..
Let us know if the "ip" value is missing, or what the value being passed is. Note that even extra spaces in the ip value would make it invalid.
In case there is a misunderstanding at the other end with the WHMCS tech, the "ip" value is always required when creating a new User in DA.
As a rule, I always investigate before coming to conclusions as to what's wrong.