Problem with wordpress and other CMS


New member
Jun 7, 2013

I have a question, i can't figure out why wordpress and other cms systems don't work on my vps.
My vps has CentOS 6.2 and directadmin.

The problems i'm experiencing are with uploading files and with timthumb.php, they can't write stuff in folders unless the rights are 777.

I've heard of suPHP and some other terms but i don't know what settings i have to change so that these problems are solved.

Can anyone help?

Without any protection (like suphp and mod_ruid2) you will indeed need certain folders set to 777.

You should be able to work without problems with mod_ruid2 on your VPS.
A very good howto can be found here (click).
Please note the section in the middel "Temporarily issue when using DA version 1.43.0" which is still in effect.

Most easy thing to do is to change to pre-release binaries before you begin installing mod_ruid2.

If you don't own the DA license, you can use one of the solutions mentioned in the thread.