problems that pile theirself....


Verified User
May 26, 2003
There are each day more problems with DA that are not get corretly solved. We are very worried about this..

- System backup.
ncftp dont pass more than 1 GB files. When you select that the system delete the local file after the pass it get deleted although the pass was not had success.

- the system has to cut into multiple files the home.tar.gz file, that always is more than 1 GB
- It doesnt have to delete the local backup if the pass by ftp was unsuccessfully.

- Spamassassin not work when an user select that the spam emails go to the spam folder in the webmail. In this case all the emails (goods and bads) get eliminated

- Logs dont get rotated each month.

We have to put to 10MB the limit (rotate by space and not by time), but this is not ideal. Our clients want to maintain logs for all the month. And this advise was made by support staff of DA more than 2 months of started the problem..

Two of this problems are now more than months of age... We moved from Ensim exactly for this.
I agree, I am seeing new features popup such as apache2 support when really current issues should be resolved. The 2 biggest issues have got to be the incomplete backup/restore system and the log rotation.

1 - Log rotation, This is essential to maintain proper traffic stats for user's if they don't rotate then traffic isnt reset at the end of the month without a forced rotation. The 2nd issue this causes is drive space been filled up with large logs. Both exim and apache logs are not been rotated.

2 - Backup System, This is a incomplete feature, by default it doesnt even backup all needed files for a succesful restore and on FreeBSD systems the user's home dirs are not backed up (very serious), and there is no restore system setup.

3 - Mail Lists, This seems a rushed half done feature, plenty of the options are not settable in the DA gui such as mail list owner, the default is to send to the main mail account and this doesnt even work due to a local delivery bug, leaving this function dead in the water unless some manual editing is done to fix the local delivery issue or a remote owner is set.

I think it would be a good move to fix whats broken/incomplete before panning out new features to make DirectAdmin appear more attractive to buy.
outpernet said:
There are each day more problems with DA that are not get corretly solved. We are very worried about this..

Features that aren't worked out correctly ;)

- System backup.
ncftp dont pass more than 1 GB files. When you select that the system delete the local file after the pass it get deleted although the pass was not had success.

- the system has to cut into multiple files the home.tar.gz file, that always is more than 1 GB
- It doesnt have to delete the local backup if the pass by ftp was unsuccessfully.

Agree is a problem, use splitting tools

- Spamassassin not work when an user select that the spam emails go to the spam folder in the webmail. In this case all the emails (goods and bads) get eliminated

You can try to update to the latest version as this is already FIXED

- Logs dont get rotated each month.

We have to put to 10MB the limit (rotate by space and not by time), but this is not ideal. Our clients want to maintain logs for all the month. And this advise was made by support staff of DA more than 2 months of started the problem..

You could set rotate limit of DA to 1GB and get a howto from i'net for logrotate, setup correctly? then post it in the forum

Two of this problems are now more than months of age... We moved from Ensim exactly for this.

I agree with you on all point, DA does not set their priorities. But new feautures are needed and requested all the time.

They should let more work do, by other companies and try using bounties on some programmers to setup functions for them. They could help DA out working out some functions and could collect some money on the way. This way you can expand the panel more quickly and they can work on more heavyier problems.

But this is said a million times. Offcourse there are a lot of negative things about this, but if they want to work with others they should do it!

But ok .. It will probaly be fixed some time. In the meanwhile you have to fix/do it yourself and when the update appears, you should just hope it still works!
i only want to said that at least in our servers (RHE, CentOS, Fedora) the spamassassin bug is not solved, and yes, we have the last version of DA in all of our servers.

We are talking about months, no days, for those problems.. i think is time know, and this is, for our biz, more important than the work in apache v2 for ex.

I dont want to mix this with our support for DA and for DA staff. Apart for this issues is excelent. We have a lot of patient, but the issues, early or late, have to be resolved...
outpernet said:
i only want to said that at least in our servers (RHE, CentOS, Fedora) the spamassassin bug is not solved, and yes, we have the last version of DA in all of our servers.

We are talking about months, no days, for those problems.. i think is time know, and this is, for our biz, more important than the work in apache v2 for ex.

I dont want to mix this with our support for DA and for DA staff. Apart for this issues is excelent. We have a lot of patient, but the issues, early or late, have to be resolved...

A life server of mine is Running Fedora. The problem is a rights problem on the spam file. (mailbox). Maybe you should try to disable/enable this again. As it works perfect now
have pointed this thread and the www log rotate thread to [email protected] no reply yet.

is logrotate a linux only command, freebsd doesnt seem to work with it.
this is the reply I got of support. I replied I am confused now about the apache rotation as it isnt supposed to rotate monthly but bandwidth tallying seems to be the linked to the rotation.


Logs are only rotated based on size. Not by time: the montly reset doesn't rotate logs.

Thanks for mentioning the exim log rotation. I've added it to the versions system for the next release:

Thank you,

Can anyone give me a temporary solution to the logrotate feature? some of my clients are approaching the limit this month simply because the usages were accumulated since October (it works before October, weird), and I need to rotate the asap!

I am on FreeBSD 5.2.1.

Thanks in advance!
temorary solution is to login to the shell and manaully tarball the log and touch new file, then restart the relevant daemon.