There are each day more problems with DA that are not get corretly solved. We are very worried about this..
- System backup.
ncftp dont pass more than 1 GB files. When you select that the system delete the local file after the pass it get deleted although the pass was not had success.
- the system has to cut into multiple files the home.tar.gz file, that always is more than 1 GB
- It doesnt have to delete the local backup if the pass by ftp was unsuccessfully.
- Spamassassin not work when an user select that the spam emails go to the spam folder in the webmail. In this case all the emails (goods and bads) get eliminated
- Logs dont get rotated each month.
We have to put to 10MB the limit (rotate by space and not by time), but this is not ideal. Our clients want to maintain logs for all the month. And this advise was made by support staff of DA more than 2 months of started the problem..
Two of this problems are now more than months of age... We moved from Ensim exactly for this.
- System backup.
ncftp dont pass more than 1 GB files. When you select that the system delete the local file after the pass it get deleted although the pass was not had success.
- the system has to cut into multiple files the home.tar.gz file, that always is more than 1 GB
- It doesnt have to delete the local backup if the pass by ftp was unsuccessfully.
- Spamassassin not work when an user select that the spam emails go to the spam folder in the webmail. In this case all the emails (goods and bads) get eliminated
- Logs dont get rotated each month.
We have to put to 10MB the limit (rotate by space and not by time), but this is not ideal. Our clients want to maintain logs for all the month. And this advise was made by support staff of DA more than 2 months of started the problem..
Two of this problems are now more than months of age... We moved from Ensim exactly for this.