Problems with bind and up2date


Verified User
Feb 3, 2004

I can´t update to the last version of bind in RHEL 3 , and more packages, my up2date is stopped with this :

Testing package set / solving RPM inter-dependencies...
There was a package dependency problem. The message was:

To solve all dependencies for the RPMs you have selected, The following
packages you have marked to exclude would have to be added to the set:

Package Name Reason For Skipping
bind-9.2.4-EL3_10 Config modified
bind-9.2.4-EL3_10 Config modified
bind-9.2.4-EL3_10 Config modified
bind-9.2.4-EL3_10 Config modified

Unresolvable chain of dependencies:
bind 9.2.2-21 requires
bind 9.2.2-21 requires

I dont have any marked of exclude bing.. i cant find sol . Thanks
ProWebUK said:
you will need to update bind-utils aswell as bind.


No, seems to be other problem.. maybe have multiple ips in the server? in the other box i only have default ips and no problems with the update
PauGasol said:
No, seems to be other problem.. maybe have multiple ips in the server? in the other box i only have default ips and no problems with the update
There is no way having multiple IPs could cause up2date to say it needs to update files in order to install what you want it to install.

My considered opinion is that Chris is right. If you have a good reason to believe he's wrong, please let us know your reason so we may help you further. And be sure to show us the complete paths to these two files on your server.


Full Paths :


Sorry by the reply threads. i didnt the correct location. Thanks
Your files were probably installed some other way besides using an RPM.

You can manually install the update to bind, using the RPM force option.

Yes. was the last option. I made it with the line

up2date -u -f bind bind-utils redhat-config-bind ypbind

the up2date will add bind-libs.. and now seems to work well.

Thanks for the helps.