Problems with Comodo WAF


Verified User
Jan 19, 2011
Hi all,

I'm having issues with the Comodo WAF plugin in Directadmin. Ever since my last server move and the switch from CentOS to Almalinux, the plugin configuration screen isn't working anymore. On the old server, I get a configuration screen, but on the new server, I only get the title (Comodo WAF 2.24.5) but nothing after that. Old server was running DA 1.668, the new one is DA 1.673. Maybe someone can check if the configuration page comes up fine?

Also, what's the best way to run a repair on Directadmin? I updated from DA 1.672 to 1.673 but as it turns out, that will only update files that have been changed.

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We are experiencing the same issue on one of our servers after the last update. Restarting services or rewriting the confs doesn't seem to help.
We are experiencing the same issue on one of our servers after the last update. Restarting services or rewriting the confs doesn't seem to help.
What DA versions are you running on the server with the issues - as opposed to the ones where the config screen loads fine?