It's not that useful for killing ONE process, but follow my logic...
Yeah, like top. I hate to say it, but like cPanel does it. Click on a link to see all running processes and their owners. The PID is clickable on all the processes, which takes you to a nother screen where you can get more information about the process. More buttons are here that offer you the ability to Kill just that process or All processes owned by that user.
Case in point. One of my old linux boxes several years ago got hijacked by a customer who got upset after I told him he needed to pay for his service or I was going to suspend his account. He said, fine, I'm going to F up your server then and hung up. I was on a cell phone and knew it was a race against the clock to get home and beat him to a login. I didn't beat him, but he was a moron on thought he'd wreck the server by just starting a bunch of scripts up. Anyway, using cPanel's Show All CPU Processes feature, I was able to quickly see all processes running, and kill every process running in his account without having to go to shell. I'm okay in shell, but I'd prefer doing stuff in the control panel if I can.
Also, I'm in the habit of logging in places where there is no SSH access. A control panel feature like this would not require SSH access to stop processes.
It'd be a good addition to DA because it would add a new level of control right there within the control panel - the ability to see EVERYTHING going on inside that server. Not one thing missed. "Where's my RAM going?! Oh, there... what's that program? Who's running that?!"
It's better than using top, because top is limited to however many rows your terminal window can display.