process uses 100% of CPU


Verified User
Jan 30, 2011
Vegas and So California
I am a frist time user of DA and the install went fine but I see this process running all the time and taking 100% of the CPU (1 core). I search logwatch everywhere and it does not seem to reside on my server

1614 root 25 0 135m 112m 1564 R 100.0 1.4 355:50.52 /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/exim

I can kill it but after a while it comes back
If logwatch troubles you: either delete it (yum remove logwatch), or configure it to not watch exim's logs.
Thanks, this is the output

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* addons:
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Installed Packages
logwatch.noarch 7.3.6-1 installed
[root@host ~]#
thank you for all your help!

Where do I look to try to solve this perl program that just is running all the time?

1614 root 25 0 135m 112m 1564 R 100.0 1.4 355:50.52 /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/exim

Where do I configure it or find out what maybe wrong?
The most common problem with logwatch is parsing exim's logs. If they are big, that takes time to analyze them. And if they are rarely rotated, that increase load.

So decide do you really want logwatch to analyze exim's logs or not. In my practice that's an unnecessary thing, because I personally use eximstats, which runs hourly and daily with cron and makes reports for me.
I found the exim logs and they rotate weekly and are over 350mB each and 3 are kept. I would like to change that to rotate daily.

do you know which file I need to edit to rotate the exim log files daily?
do you know which file I need to edit to rotate the exim log files daily?

I don't know how to do it only for exim log files, but if you like, you can change all log rotation this way:

Edit the file logrotate.conf at this path: /etc/logrotate.conf

Change the word weekly to be daily and save changes.
change also rotate value for set how many logs you wanna keep

For example i use to keep 1 year log and that file is set this way:

rotate 53

I see now with the help from Ditto that I can change for all log files. Does anyone know if that would cause any problems with something that another program needs such as stats or anything?