ProFTPD 1.3.4d released


Verified User
May 27, 2008
The Netherlands
ProFTPD 1.3.4d released
Hello, ProFTPD community. The ProFTPD Project team is pleased to announce
that the fourth maintenance release for ProFTPD 1.3.4 is now available for
public consumption.


The 1.3.4d release is a maintenance release, containing backported fixes
for issues found in the 1.3.4 release.

Please read the included NEWS and ChangeLog files for the full details.
+ Fixed broken build when using --disable-ipv6 configure option
+ Fixed mod_sql "SQLAuthType Backend" MySQL issues
The SFTP bug originally reported by zEitEr in the 1.3.4c thread should now be fixed in this release and doesn't require patching anymore!
I'm getting a little tired of all these proftpd updates, I'm thinking of switchting to pure-ftpd on the other servers too.

Updated in custombuild on files1. Please allow 24 hours for rsync to the other mirrors.

I'm getting a little tired of all these proftpd updates, I'm thinking of switchting to pure-ftpd on the other servers too.

Sorry, but are you really complaining about many people hard work to keep a free software updated and bug-free?
Do you help any free software project or just use it and complain about the things?
Sorry, but are you telling me that if you get something for free, you never can criticize or give an opinion about it? That would be a new thing!
And I did not complain, or did you see me saying it was a bad product or something like that? I just stated my opinion that there are a bit too many updates then needed imho. So what? It's true.

Ofcourse I'm thankfull that people are doing a lot of work and trying to keep free software updated and bug-free. But this does not mean that things can't be better. As you can see by comparing other great free ftp daemons like for example pure-ftpd, also maintained by hard working people. Which maybe do a bit more/better testing before releasing things.

Do you help any free software project or just use it and complain about the things?
Quite a lame comment coming from somebody with 39 posts in 4 years! Learn to know people first. You wouldn't have made such comment if you had known me a little bit.

And to make you more happy, I now switched all our servers to pure-ftpd.:)
Hi guys.

Just my two cents...

I really think it depends on what functionality you really need. Personally, I don't feel that 3-4 Updates a year is a lot. In a way, it's kind of "normal". :D

Of course, looking at the changes in each update, one can see that the pureFTPd updates are mostly feature updates, while the ProFTPd updates are mostly dealing with bug-fixing. So Richard is right about the "better testing before releasing".

But, ProFTP is more modular, PureFTP is simpler.
Taking that fact into account, it's more probable that proftpd will have more bugs, than pureftpd.

PureFtpd has also had its fair share of frequent updates up until 2012. Since March/2012 (1.0.36) there has been no updates anymore.
So, I guess it's probably in a "feature freeze - maintenance" mode. This is a good thing, and you should use it, if you are happy with the functionality it provides.
If not, you should choose ProFTPD, and live with the frequent updates :)

I don't feel that 3-4 Updates a year is a lot
I don't think so either, depending on what updates are made ofcourse. It now already happened a couple of times with proftpd that an update was made and contained some issue again so another update was needed to fix that again. And I was talking about the last years (so take 2009-2013), not only 2012.
If you look at the vulnarabilities of both, you have more and much higher risk vulnarability's only in proftpd 1.3.3 then in the whole existance of proftpd since 2004.
And the updates of pro-ftpd were mainly fixes, as pure-ftpd had more additions in new versions (except 1.0.33 and 1.0.35).

I don't know exactly what you mean by "modular" because I don't know much what proftpd can do and pure-ftpd can't.

In fact, to be honest, I was a little bit dull/bored yesterday and didn't really mean that I really got tired. But the reply I got from somebody who doesn't even know me, just got me "fired up".:)

And you're quite correct. There are arguments to use both. Proftpd is for example better supported by Centovacast. And everybody should use which they will feel best with.:)