proftpd doesn't work


Verified User
Jan 5, 2006
Hi all, I just got directadmin installed on my server, everything seems to be fine except FTP doens't work. When checking service monitor, it says:

proftpd: Process is stopped

I've tried to use reload and restart, both didn't fix the problem.

Any idea of how to fix it? Any advice would be appreciated.

Are you running a virtual server? Many virtual servers may run proftpd through either inetd or xinetd.

No, this is the dedicated server for only myself.

I have some experience with Cpanel, but not directadmin. I hired a server admin guy to fix this problem but he's disappeared a day later, I'm still clueless how to fix this problem.

If anyone willing to take a look for me, jlasman would be great, I'd appreciate it, let me know how much it gonna cost. I've been waiting for 3 days now and I can't even create a simple FTP account :(. This is my first experience ever with DA.
We're expensive :p .

Contact me by email or telephone number if you'd like to talk work. Both are below in my sig.

The "expensive" word scares me, I'm on a very low budget.

Thanks, I'll ask for someone else at WHT.
If Proftpd is running in standalone, do you get any error messages when you try to start it from the command line?
I have the same problem, but I run a virtual server. I see that Proftpd is running with xinetd. Should I disable this and let proftpd run in standolone? Also exim and vm-pop3d cannot be started. I don't think vm-pop3d even got installed because when I get to do 'man vm-pop3d' i get nothing. I cant even run it from command line. Also, when I try to do apt-get install vm-pop3d, debian cant find it.
What Operating system are your running and do you mean VPS?
Last I checked, DirectAdmin's default is to setup proftpd in standalone mode. I would uninstall and reinstall proftpd and see if that fixes the problem.

What are the error messages you get when trying to start the other services? Do the logs give any useful information?
I am using debian-3.1 on a virtual private server with I dont really know what you want me to tell you about virtual servers, but they are basicly a lot of servers on one computer :/
Should I reinstall proftpd with debians apt-get? Proftpd is being started with xinetd right now instead of standalone. There are no logs under /usr/local/directadmin/log. Maybe thats the wrong place.
I also run Debian and the default is standalone. I would suggest uninstalling and purging any existing installations. Make sure there are no remaining processes. Then reinstall proftpd using DirectAdmin's installation script
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts

After that you may need to manually copy into place the new proftpd configuration files to /etc and modify them for your server.

The default log path for proftpd is in /var/log/

I also provide DirectAdmin server management services. If your interested in me taking a look and seeing what I can do email me ([email protected]) or send me a PM.
hosler, I asked Jon to fix the problem with my proftp Directadmin when I started this thread for a small fee and he did a great job.

If you don't have time, I recommend you to ask him to take a look. Good luck.
I recommend using proftpd via xinetd if you're on a virtual server; they generally don't have enough memory to run all the deamons all the time.

Who is a Jon? I also have this problem, OS is FreeBSD 5.4. What can I do?

Actually, it was probably Jon as in jmstacey from the above post.

proFTP not working DA bug?

I have a DA install on dedicated server. proFTPd has not worked at all. Ironically, uploading FP Extensions has been a breeze.
Connectin to root ftp is fine, but not users.
Is someone available to fix?
....seems odd so many are having issues.
Is this a DA bug?
There are so many Jo(h)n's nowdays aren't there? Even without the h...

On most servers I have fixed, the usual cause was another ftp daemon installed with the operating system.
Re: proFTP not working DA bug?

Connectin to root ftp is fine, but not users.
Is someone available to fix?
....seems odd so many are having issues.
Is this a DA bug? [/B]

Its not a bug, you will need pam authentication so your users will be able to login.