Most recently my server has been having issues with proftpd in that i have to restart it to fix it.
This is what it does
the login timeout is instant.. not 2 minutes.. its rather just 1 second.
The only way i can fix this is by restarting the service.. i tried putting it on cron to restart every 12 hours but it seems to happen randomly.. If anybody can shed some light on this issue it would be greatly appreciated
I am running CentOS
here is a page containing information on the site
Please help me with this, i don't know whats causing it.
Most recently my server has been having issues with proftpd in that i have to restart it to fix it.
This is what it does
Resolving host name scripthosters.net...
Connecting to (scripthosters.net) -> IP: PORT: 21
Connected to (scripthosters.net) -> Time = 0ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
421 Login Timeout (120 seconds): closing control connection.
Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
the login timeout is instant.. not 2 minutes.. its rather just 1 second.
The only way i can fix this is by restarting the service.. i tried putting it on cron to restart every 12 hours but it seems to happen randomly.. If anybody can shed some light on this issue it would be greatly appreciated
I am running CentOS
here is a page containing information on the site
Please help me with this, i don't know whats causing it.