Proftpd problems


Verified User
Jul 21, 2004
ok, directadmin was giving me several problems so i had to remove it. However, when i add a basic user to my system it is not allowed ftp. Is their something direct admin did that setup the protftpd config file to automatically tell all new users that they dont' have ftp. If so where may i find it and what is it all about?

Thank you

The original username created with direct admin still allows me to ftp its just whenever i create a new user it will not.

I would like to setup proftpd to automatically accept all users. Any ideas?

Thank you

The proftpd.conf file that DA creates/uses is probably still there...

There should be a "proftpd.conf.back" file that is the default proftpd.conf file.

Since you removed DA you should be able to use that file... Of course, edit it for your configuration.

In RH the file is in /etc.

The DA proftpd.conf appears to use /etc/proftpd.passwd for authentication. That might be why it's not working when you add users to the system.

So basically i should remove the proftpd.conf file that is their now. And rename proftpd.conf.back to proftpd.conf to replace the existing file?
I'd agree with you, David, except that in my working DA system I can log in via ftp to users only in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, who aren't in the /etc/proftpd.passwd file.



Yea, I'm not real certain about the auth mechanism as I simply compared both proftpd files and saw this directive in the DA file:

AuthUserFile /etc/proftpd.passwd

It may be used in conjunction with system password files.

Since DA was removed I though it was worth a shot at replacing the .conf file.

pinehead: Yea, you could do that or, cp the proftpd.conf to proftpd.conf.DA and then cp proftpd.conf.back to proftpd.conf. Then make sure permissions/ownerships are correct on the files.

That way everything could be put back in case of natural disasters like myself! :^)
