Pure-FTP - how to see running config


Verified User
Feb 18, 2007
please is it possible to show the running config from pure-ftp on command line? I am not sure if my pureftp is running from /etc/rc.d/init.d/pure-ftpd (as it should be) or from /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
Reason: I was blocked by my firewall limit with 600 connections to ftp, but in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/pure-ftpd there is the limit right set to 5 (-C 5).
And in the /etc/pure-ftpd.conf there is no Connection Limit set. So I´m arguing whats going on.
Thank you
No it's running from /etc/rc.d/init.d/pure-ftpd so there you can see the configuration it's started with (command line).
Was it CSF which was blocking you?
You might check your pure-ftpd or messages log for how many connections you exactly had in that time. Could also be pure-ftpd only allowed 5 and your system tried to make 600. Which is odd in any case, so many connections to FTP.
Or your firewall had a hickup.
Hi Richard, thank you for the info. I did a rebuild and will see what it makes next time when I upload thousands small files. Yes, it was CSF, and I have a high limit from 600 connections there (so it blocked as expected), because from time to time my customers have bad configured MACs or iPhones which open very much connections, so I dont want them to be blocked out, but maybe its time to lower this limit again. My pureftpd.log is empty from this action, see only older uploads, thats also not ok, my last action should be here. I will test this further in the next days.
Ah yeah I know what you mean. I had that issue with Filezilla with some customers (maybe also Mac) in the past opening too many connections.
The config is there in the init, I'm sure as I also made a small adjustment there to change pure-ftpd's logfiles.
I now got a /var/log/pureftpd.log and a /var/log/pureftpd-auth.log so I don't have to spit through the /var/log/messages file when I want to investigate ftp stuff. :)