push mail possibilty


Verified User
Apr 6, 2005
Hi Guys,

Is there a possibility to create a plugin for pushmail, so the mail for a client is pushed directly to a mobile device.
Or is there already a thread running about this wish ?
No responses generally means no one knows.

Is there a way to push email that's not handset-vendor-specific? There are expensive commercial products out there but they seem to be paired with commercial handsets.

In the U.S., anyway, cellphone handsets text messaging has it's own email address served buy my phone provider's gateway; that's how I forward messages to my cellphone.

In the US you can also use any cell phone number with teleflip.com. [email protected] will send the email to your cell phone with any provider.
well okay,
but is there also a working solution for Europe. :)
Commercial solutions aren't that bad, only will they work with a direct admin client without disturbing the email settings.
Maybe is somebody willing to program a custom made solution for me?
I am sure that there is a market for.
Push Mail is possible if you forward your email to a mail2web.com account.
See this for more information.
The only thing i am not able to fix yet, is that DirectAdmin forwards the mail only, this way it is not able to download your mail at a pc since all your mail goes to the mail2web account.
Does somebody know how to forward the mail to a differt address, but still be able to receive it in Outlook on my PC?
For the main (login) email account, you can't do it.

For virtual email accounts if you create both a forward and a mailbox, mail should end up in both places.

Is it absolutely not possible for the main account, or is there some way around?
You could make some custom changes to exim.conf.

Start by reading exim documentation here.

Thank you for your reply.
The problem if you do that, is if you want to reply on the email you just recieved, it will be sent from [email protected] instead of [email protected], right?
I don't rather not mix up e-mail addresses.

I'll see what I can do with the exim mailer.
Your return address is always set by your email program. It can be completely different than the address at which you receive email.

Check the documentation for the email program you use.
