Question about DA temp folder


Verified User
Mar 3, 2006
I have a quick question about DirectAdmin's temporary folder. DA's temporary folder is set as /home/tmp. I was not aware that DA used this folder for anything and deleted it several weeks ago. Yesterday I realized that user's could not upload files through DA's file management interface, and tracked it down to /home/tmp not being there. I recreated the folder with 711 permissions and chowned it to the user/group diradmin:diradmin.

Everything is working correctly, however, files in that folder do not seem to be being removed. There is no cronjob with anything such as rm * /home/tmp.

So, my question is, is this folder emptied on its own? I have a file in there that was created when I uploaded a test file yesterday around 1pm or so that has not been removed. I would hope it would be, as I definitely do not want that folder to get huge (and it will, very quickly).

Thanks for the help!
The directory entry for my /home/tmp folder looks like this:

drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 May 17 10:53 /home/tmp

It's empty.
