Question about "hybridizing" Evolution


Verified User
Sep 14, 2021
I'm a screen reader user. For those who don't know the term, a screen reader speaks the contents of the computer screen for those who are sufficiently sight-impaired not to be able to see it. Less politically correct, it reads the screen to blind folks, though sometimes dyslexic folks use these as well.

The Evolution skin has a couple of very severe accessibility (A11y) pitfalls. The first is that the checkboxes do not expose their state to the screen reader, thus, one has no way of knowing if the particular feature is active or not.

The 2nd is that certain buttons make selecting options via the keyboard very difficult (bear in mind blind users can't use a mouse--try to use yours w/your eyes closed should you have any doubts regarding that). A good example of this is selecting the evolution skin layout in the user level for skin options.

This obviously makes the skin pretty tough to use, & I'm a bit disappointed that Directadmin evidently took no note of WCAG 2.x guidelines when building this skin, despite the fact they were in place well beforehand.

Power_user is very accessible, but seems to lack features like being able to install SSL certs via LetsEncrypt, etc.

So I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for "hybridizing" the skin such that standard controls such as comboboxes, radio buttons, checkboxes etc are available while still being able to use the Evolution features. I read the article on starting an Evolution subtheme, but it seemed to imply that only things like colors, logos, fonts, etc, could be changed as opposed to the underlying controls of the skin. I'm just having a hard time understanding which parts of the skin can be modified w/o breaking its feature set. Any guidance appreciated.