Question about new DA install on AlmaLinux 9


Verified User
Jan 19, 2013
The Netherlands
I have installed DA (1.666) on AlmaLinux 9.
Ran into some troubles installing, but I was able to access DA panel.
Then I ran ./build all d and after that everything seems to be working.

I installed DA with hostname in the command line, let's say, Admin/DNS Administration was empty. Then I added as a normal domain as user. Now in DNS Administration I find but NOT an entry for When I look at my other server the hostname is present in DNS administration and has Local data=no, Local mail=yes

Found a very useful post of Richard G about how-to-create-or-change-your-servers-hostname-in-directadmin. It seems in /etc/virtual my directory hostname is missing
Question 1: Do I need in my DNS? It is present in Admin Settings/server settings.
And how to achieve this. (I could create a subdomain host for but is that the correct way for a server hostname? Thinking about correct handling of mail.)

Question 2: Is it still necessary to have in /etc/virtual the directory hostname?

Before making alterations I need to be sure it is still necessary for latest stable DA build and AlmaLinux 9.

The reason behind this question is that I cannot link and ns1 and to my DA server at my domain registrar. The rDNS/ptr is working correctly according to MXtoolbox.
I installed DA with hostname in the command line, let's say,
As I said more often, best is to first, update your server OS, then set the correct hostname and timezone and after that is done, then start installing DA and the hostname will automatically be set by DA.

However, I also encountered that there will -not- be an entry for present. Probably because people can choose to use or not use it.
So yes, then also the /etc/virtual entry can be missing, and that -will- cause trouble when system messages are send from the server.

Answer 1: That depends. If you want to be able to send mail via hostname, like system mails and maybe root mails, I would advise to create one.

Answer 2: Same as answer one. If you want to mail, then yes.

So you could use the manual anyway.

I cannot link and ns1 and to my DA server at my domain registrar
That one I don't understand. Because if you use ns1 and at your registrar, then ns1 and is used as nameservers and you don't need to use the DNS of your registrar anymore.
Only thing you need, which you do at your server/vps provider, is to set the correct rDNS/PTR record. So if that points to then you should be fine.

Otherwise just send me a pm, in Dutch it might be easier. :)
The OS was up to date.

Well I followed this tutorial:
From there to the overview on:
Saved options.conf and php_extensions.conf from another server to the correct path, changed the hostname to the new one and then ran this command: ./ LICENSE_KEY

I want to send mail via the hostname. I changed the hostname in DA to something else, now there is a directory in virtual. Changed the hostname back to the desired one, now there is the correct directory. But still no DNS is created for it.

I think that my server is not yet properly configured (with DA) and thats why I getting troubles linking from my domain registrar to the new server.

Fijn dat je me wil helpen Richard! Als het niet gaat lukken PM ik je zeker!
Well I followed this tutorial:
It's the same. Even if you have the hostname correct in front of DA installation, there will be no seperate hostname entry, at least it wasn't there during the last time I installed a new server.

But still no DNS is created for it.
What do you mean? DNS is created as soon as you create a seperate DNS entry in DNS administration. I always do both to have things correct.
If you just follow my manual, all will be fine.

Yep, geen probleem hoor, doe ik graag.
It's the same. Even if you have the hostname correct in front of DA installation, there will be no seperate hostname entry, at least it wasn't there during the last time I installed a new server.
Perhaps a forgotten part in

How can I make my dns look like this (domain overview)? Clicking on goes to the actual dns settings.
This is correct. the hostname always has local data to NO and mail to YES in DNS Administration (admin section) if done correctly.

You can not have your DNS look like this. This is always in DNS Administration like this. And in DNS for you always have the normal actual dns settings if all is correct.
Perhaps a forgotten part in
I've overseen this one. Maybe not because not everybody wants to use it this way. There are people who use another setup and just set the hostname in the normal domain dns.
But could also be a forgotten part, maybe it's fixed in the meantime, I don't now. :)
Well wandering a round in these forums I find more and more related posts about the things I'm experiencing. For a hobby webmaster huge stumbling blocks.
For example:

I guess I'll have to create my own dns entries then, I will do that after posting. I was wrong assuming DA setup would take care of that.

Maybe not because not everybody wants to use it this way
At least provide some instructions in the installation manual. Explaining such features so you can make well considered choices to add/alter it.

I'll check tomorrow if I can link nameservers and hostname at my domain registrar.
For example:
I removed that one again. On my own domains for some reason I regularly got DKIM fails. After removing the DKIM for hostname adjustment, everything was fine again.
I only use SPF for the hostname.

I guess I'll have to create my own dns entries then, I will do that after posting.
??? You don't need to. As soon as you create the hostname in DNS administration, then the DNS records will be created too automatically. Always, that never has been an issue.

Better not doing things manuall, I send you a pm becasue there is no need for manual DNS stuff.