Question about reseller creating accounts


Verified User
May 30, 2007
I currently own a server, and I operate a free hosting service at the same time.

I created an reseller account on my admin account.

What I want to do is for the reseller account, every account created under the reseller account will have these php functions

Sendmail off
SafeMode On


Is there anyway to accomplish this? how?

If so, if a user edit their .htaccess will it overwrite my configuration?
You can create a script to run each time a domain is created, to check the owner, and if it's the free account turn safe_mode on by changing whatever file(s) need(s) to be changed.

I don't know how you'd turn sendmail off. Sendmail is an alias to exim, and I don't know any way to block it. Perhaps you can figure out a way to create a sendmail script instead of an alias, and figure out how to block the pass-through to exim.
