Question about xinetd


Verified User
Jul 6, 2009
Hi guys,

its been a long time now that i could come here
ive change job so not working anymore with my beloved DirectAdmin
now im stuck the most horrible cp ever seen for me ( Plesk )
working hard to make things change here and migrate DirectAdmin

But for the moment i got a weird question... i know this is some how 6 or 7 years old but i need to remember why DirectAdmin droped xinetd

Thank you.

I've never seen Directadmin using xinetd. So if nobody gives you a proper answer here you'd better send an email to Directadmin staff.
yeah thats old that was before dovecot so vm-pop3d and imap over xinetd
yeah thx i know how to use a search but the result didn't answer my question.
I did not mean that you don't know how to use it. Sometimes I overlook the obvious when trying to find a solution. I hope you unlike me checked it first. It was just a try to be of a service for you.

The link I've posted earlier shows an opinion, that "10 % of all our downtime was caused by Xinetd". So that's probably one of the reasons you are looking for.
I did not mean that you don't know how to use it. Sometimes I overlook the obvious when trying to find a solution. I hope you unlike me checked it first. It was just a try to be of a service for you.

no prob

The link I've posted earlier shows an opinion, that "10 % of all our downtime was caused by Xinetd". So that's probably one of the reasons you are looking for.

yeah ok but the question is more like...why xinetd was so unstable ?
i'm sorry asking odd question like that but i have to justify migration from Plesk to DirectAdmin

i seriously hate plesk on Linux but i still have to justify... one of the point ( over at least a hundred ) is that Plesk is still dependent of xinetd.
so looking for something for more technical reason
but still.. thank you for help