Question: DirectAdmin vs. cPanel/Plesk.


New member
Dec 17, 2007
Hi, I'm interested in DirectAdmin, could someone please tell me, is their a list of features which compares DirectAdmin to cPanel & Plesk.

Many Thanks.
I'd try a search on Google. Personally, I have tried them all and DirectAdmin just seems much more stable to me. However, it is missing some features that others like cPanel and Plesk have. Ultimately, the decision is up to you based on what's more important to you and your users, stability vs. features, vs. usability, etc.
Da is FAST, reliable (cheap, hate that with Cpanel)), good update functions (hate that with Plesk) and, most imnportant, selfhealing. I'm managing 100+ DA servers on a daily base. Don't want to go back to Cpanel of Plesk.
No doubt DA wins the race here.
I manage about 40 servers, most of the are DA.
cPanel is a great product, only it becomes heavy to run.
It has lots of unneeded features, and DA is quick to learn and adapt the better functionality.
Furthermore, I like the tree struct in DA much better. It is much easier to manage than of cPanel.
Pricewise,.. no questions, DA gives you much better ROI.
As for user functionality, I don't have a single user who said "Oh,. bring the other panel back". They all love the simple, yet very intuitive, effective and powerful navigation and functionality that DA has.

(oh... I don't have % in DA,...:))) ).
What means DA is selfhealing?
How does this work? What does DA do on an error?