Question on my fail-over plan - one server Fedora, the other CentOS


Verified User
Oct 13, 2004

We're planning to set up a fail-over server (using CODA to synchronise the /home data, and using mysql's own sync options to sync that.

However: one server is running Fedora 2, and on the second server we'd like to install CentOS. Is this gonna give problems? (since our license info says FC2). The idea is that on fail-over, the second server gets the IP (so DirectAdmin should work as well, license-wise, since it's gonna be the same IP). Is this possible with CentOS on the second server, or will it need to run Fedora as well?
It might be safer to have the same Operating System on both servers. It is probably required if your going to be using the same license of DirectAdmin since there are probably different binaries for Fedora and CentOS.
Jon is absolutely correct; a Fedora license will not run on CentOS.

To complicate matters a bit more, JBMC's automated ordering system cannot create two licenses for the same IP#.

So if you're going to have both systems on the same IP# and if you want full redundancy, then you'll have to have them running the same OS.
