Question puzzles me


Verified User
Jul 24, 2009
Question puzzles me
Why can not there be a possibility of work to install and upgrade software directly from the DA?
cpanel for example there is a possibility to upgrade software or add plugins directly through the motherboard and there is no need to enter the root!
Is there a convincing answer to my question? :rolleyes:
Because if you own a server, then you'd think you'd be somesort of an admin too. A control panel is just that, for domains and such: see here []. That is what control panels are used for by default, they aren't supposed to install stuff for admins, they are meant to just manage accounts.

That is my take on it, maybe others disagree - but if you own a server, then having knowledge of how its run is essential, even if you aren't using it for websites.
As John once said, Directadmin is just good at what it's good.

If you want to have ability to upgrade software from a CP, either use cPanel, or buy a plug-in.
purpose is to reach the easier way to work.
If there is a possibility,, so let!
and if not,,DA still good board.
You can use auto-update function in custombuild:


running with cron.

Crontab options:
  • cron - enable crontab for CustomBuild, use "./build cron" to set-up. Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • email - set email for notifications. Possible values: any email address (default: [email protected]).
  • notifications - enable email notifications about the updates. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • da_autoupdate - Update DirectAdmin automatically when update is available. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • updates - update software/applications automatically when updates are available. Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • webapps_updates - update (automatically) only web applications (as phpMyAdmin, RoundCube, Atmail, SquirrelMail etc.). Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
Hi,zEitEr thank you for good link
but can i start install custombuild now?
Even if the server it work?
Custombuild is just a script, you tell it what to do.

If you want to be reminded of any updates
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/
./build set bold no
./build set email <your email>
./build set cron yes
./build cron
If you want custombuild to do any updates automatically:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/
./build set da_autoupdate yes
./build set updates yes
./build set email <your email>
./build set notifications yes
./build set cron yes
./build cron
Last edited:
thank you petter
I chose the first way
But the last step command i get error:
You cannot run cronjob, because you do not have it set in options.conf file.
what is wrong??
thank you ISOS6
i have SSH Secure Shell software i can edit files via this software,which files need to edit?
now it look like this:
	echo "#Cron settings" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "cron=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "[email protected]" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "notifications=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "da_autoupdate=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "updates=no" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "webapps_updates=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
that ok???
You cannot run cronjob, because you do not have it set in options.conf file
i used SSH Secure Shell software
downloaded file : options.conf (edit and save change and uplaod again)


	echo "#CustomBuild options" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "custombuild=1.1" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "autover=no" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "bold=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "clean=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "clean_old_tarballs=no" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "clean_old_webapps=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "#Cron settings" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "cron=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "[email protected]" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "notifications=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "da_autoupdate=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "updates=no" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "webapps_updates=yes" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}
	echo "" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF}