Question regarding language support with DA.


Verified User
Jan 1, 2008
Should I allow access to CGI to users? Or could it be an 'added value' thing for users to go with a higher package?

Also... Does DA support perl, python from the main installation? Is there a command that I can type to see if it is installed on the system? I think they are but not sure.

Also... Is there value in installing Ruby on Rails?

Finally... Is there a security risk to installing Awstats?
Should I allow access to CGI to users? Or could it be an 'added value' thing for users to go with a higher package?
That would be up to you. Years ago when servers were low-powered and users weren't sophisticated a lot of hosts offered CGI access as an extra-cost option. Today I think just about all acconts (except perhas some free accounts) offer it.
Also... Does DA support perl, python from the main installation? Is there a command that I can type to see if it is installed on the system? I think they are but not sure.
Whether or not Perl or Python are installed on a system depends of course on the system; our CentOS systems install both. To see if perl is installed on your system:
$ perl --version
To see if python is installed on your system:
$ python -h
To add python support for all users (if it's not already there) I think this is all you need to do: find all the instances of AddHandler that include the .pl extension in the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, and add the .py suffix after that and restart apache.

But I've not tried it; there may be something else that needs to be done.
Also... Is there value in installing Ruby on Rails?
If you want to attract a client base who uses it, of course. Or if you need it yourself, of course.
Finally... Is there a security risk to installing Awstats?
That I don't know. Perhaps someone else will respond.
